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Do you have fullness under your chin or a double chin? Has it persisted, despite improving your eating habits and exercise?

A double chin — also known as submental adiposity — can be a result of genetics, loose skin, or weight gain. It is also a common concern for patients of The Rejuva Center at Williams in Albany, NY. However, before you pursue a chin fat reduction procedure, you need to first understand what it is, where it came from, and what it means for your body and well-being.

Double chin removal can be achieved through various procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, depending on your preferences, goals, and individual circumstances. This includes options such as Kybella® treatments, CoolSculpting®, submental liposuction, and a chin/facelift.

At The Rejuva Center, we specialize in non-surgical cosmetic procedures for double chin reduction. Non-surgical options include Kybella®, an injectable that helps the body naturally destroy and expel fat cells, and CoolSculpting®, also known as fat freezing or cryolipolysis, a procedure that kills fat cells under the chin using a device that targets fat cells to kill them using cold temperatures.

We start by unpacking some of the details behind the most common solutions for double chin reduction, but this is just a first step. You also need to find a qualified professional who understands these options and can offer advice about the best way to get rid of your double chin — specifically.

At The Rejuva Center, our experienced practitioners have helped hundreds of patients find non-surgical solutions to get rid of fat under their chin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about these procedures.

Understanding the Causes of a Double Chin

Submental adiposity is the scientific term for a double chin. As with all excess fat, the best initial treatment regimen is diet and exercise. However, fat in the chin and neck can be stubborn. Despite a healthy diet and workout regimen, some people still struggle with fat deposits beneath the chin, the causes of which are more complicated than simple weight gain.

In fact, submental fat can be the result of:

  • Genetics and predisposition
  • Age-related skin laxity
  • Excess weight and lifestyle factors

At The Rejuva Center, we see many patients who have lost an impressive amount of weight through healthy eating and exercise — but they are still plagued by submental fat. When that happens, it’s time to look toward cosmetic options to remove your double chin and achieve a slimmer neck and face.

Cosmetic Procedures for Double Chin Removal

The most common ways to get rid of a stubborn double chin include both non-surgical and surgical solutions offered by The Rejuva Center and its parent company, The Williams Center for Plastic Surgery, both located near Albany, NY. Each of the common double chin reduction options comes with its own set of benefits and considerations. Let’s take a look at each one individually.

Kybella® (Deoxycholic Acid Injection)

The first non-surgical option for chin fat reduction is Kybella®, an injectable medication that consists of deoxycholic acid. This bile acid is normally produced by the body and helps with fat absorption during the digestive process. When injected into submental fat, Kybella® destroys fat cells in the area, preventing the body from storing fat in the chin. The body then naturally flushes out the dead fat cells, leaving behind a more sculpted jawline.

The best candidates for Kybella® treatment are healthy adults who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. The skin should also still have a good amount of elasticity to achieve ideal Kybella® results. When you come in for a Kybella® consultation, your practitioner will examine your chin area and ask you some lifestyle questions to see if this is the ideal treatment for your situation.

Once scheduled, you have to do very little to prepare. It is advisable, however, to discontinue use of medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen about a week prior to your scheduled treatment. Onsite, Kybella® treatment usually begins after applying topical numbing medication to the chin. Your practitioner will place a template diagram sticker on your submental region to determine the amount of Kybella® needed for injection.

After the treatment is over, you must avoid massaging the area or wearing any makeup for 24 hours. It is also important to avoid facial peels and microdermabrasion for at least two weeks. The most common side effects from Kybella® are swelling, redness, pain, and firmness within the injection site. Patients can expect redness and swelling for a few days after receiving treatment as the medication actively destroys the fat cells.

As you can see from the results below, the effects of Kybella® can be stunning, making it one of the best non-invasive chin fat reduction techniques available.

Many patients require two to three treatment sessions, but some patients enjoy amazing, natural-looking results after just one session.

In rare cases, patients may require up to six sessions to see results. When more than one session of Kybella® is necessary, the treatments are typically separated by approximately six weeks.

CoolSculpting® (Cryolipolysis)

Another non-surgical double chin reduction option for patients to consider is CoolSculpting®. This option utilizes a process known as cryolipolysis, where a device targets, freezes, and destroys fat cells under the chin by subjecting them to freezing temperatures. The body then flushes the dead cells out of the body naturally.

The ideal candidate for CoolSculpting® for a double chin must first pass the FDA clearance requirement of a BMI level below 43%. Patients should also be in good health. During your initial evaluation, your practitioner will assess your health as well as perform a thorough examination of the area to see if CoolSculpting® is the right option for reducing your double chin. This includes checking to make sure the device’s vacuum applicator is able to appropriately fit on a patient’s neck.

To prepare for CoolSculpting® treatment, patients should dress comfortably and avoid consuming large amounts of liquid or caffeine in the hours immediately preceding treatment. Once the practitioner applies the CoolSculpting® device, patients will have limited ability to move. CoolSculpting® for chin fat reduction treatment sessions take approximately 45 minutes. During treatment, patients can expect to feel a sensation of intense cold, pulling, and slight discomfort in the treatment area.

Take a look at this video to see what the process is really like.


After treatment, patients may have some mild swelling, redness, and slight bruising. The full process of flushing the dead fat cells out of the body generally takes between one week and three months, although most CoolSculpting® patients start seeing results in about three weeks.

This non-invasive method for reducing chin fat is similar to Kybella® injections in that they both typically require multiple sessions.

Submental Liposuction

For patients who are looking for a one-time treatment, submental liposuction offers a surgical approach for removing submental fat. This liposuction can be performed either with local anesthesia or with an injected numbing medication. In addition to this, some patients will take an oral medication to help them relax, as well.

After the skin is numb, practitioners will create a small incision in a hidden skin crease underneath the chin. The skin then separates from the fat and a suction device removes the excess fat. At the end of the procedure, practitioners close the incision with sutures that are removed after approximately one week.

At The Williams Center for Plastic Surgery, we offer patients customized liposuction treatment plans that may include the removal of fat from both the neck and the jawline for optimal, natural-looking results. We also often recommend pairing submental liposuction with other treatments and procedures that can help to further sculpt the jawline. Some of these procedures may be performed at The Rejuva Center.

Liposuction treatments take about one to two hours, and recovery time is approximately one to two weeks. Patients should begin to see results at about the one-week mark. Potential side effects include swelling, bruising, itching, and pain near the incision site. Since this is a surgical procedure, patients should also watch for signs of infection, including fever and abnormal bleeding or drainage.

Lower Face and Neck Lift

The three previously mentioned treatments are effective in addressing excess fat in the neck and submental region. However, when patients have bothersome excess neck skin in addition to a double chin, they will not likely experience the ideal results they want without more complex surgery. For patients who are interested in both removing submental fat and removing excess neck skin, a lower face and neck lift may be an option.

A lower face/neck lift tightens the lower face and neck to remove excess skin, resulting in patients looking much younger than before. This type of facelift, also called an “S” lift, weekend neck lift, or mini facelift because of its short recovery period, is performed under general and local anesthesia and requires 10 to 14 days of recovery. This procedure is best for patients who want a more permanent one-time treatment that will remove their double chins and any excess skin on the neck and lower face.

At The Williams Center for Plastic Surgery, each facelift procedure is customized, using innovative techniques and carefully placed incisions for each patient. We work with you one-on-one to design a customized face and neck lift plan that can eliminate chin fat for good. Reach out to us to learn more about whether you are an ideal candidate for a face and neck lift procedure.

Choosing the Right Procedure for You

When your goal is to permanently eliminate stubborn chin fat, both surgical and non-surgical options offer reasonable solutions that can deliver permanent results that sculpt the jawline. Choosing the right option for you, however, means starting with a reliable practice that can help assess everything from your skin type to your medical history to help you achieve your desired results.

At The Rejuva Center and The Williams Center, our board-certified physicians, PAs, and nurses have extensive experience with all types of chin fat reduction options and can help you make the right choice for your body. This includes addressing your concerns, expectations, and potential limitations of all the options we have outlined here.

Comparing Non-Surgical and Surgical Options

For many patients, the real choice comes down to surgical vs. non-surgical chin fat removal. Although both options can create excellent results, choosing non-surgical chin fat reduction methods comes with many specific benefits, including reduced downtime and minimal invasion, thus lowering the risk of these procedures.

For the most part, surgical options for reducing a double chin are reserved for more severe cases. Regardless of the choice you make, be sure to choose a practice that offers personalized results based on individual needs.

Real Patient Experiences

When it comes to choosing the right option for your double chin removal, it is important to consider the experiences of others like you. At The Rejuva Center, we have worked with many patients whose before and after results speak for themselves. Take a look at the patients below to see for yourself.

Over the years, our patients have told us that not only have their non-surgical double chin reduction treatments been a success, but these treatments have added immensely to their overall satisfaction and self-confidence.

Ready to learn more? Call or schedule a consultation at The Rejuva Center today.

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