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Turkey Neck

Turkey neck, medically known as “ptosis of the neck” or “cervical ptosis,” refers to the loose, sagging skin that hangs down under the chin and along the neck. This condition occurs when the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, often as a result of aging, genetics, weight fluctuations, or sun damage.  

The impact of a turkey neck on a person’s appearance can be significant, as it can make them look older than their actual age, consequently affecting their self-confidence. The sagging skin can create a “wattle” or “gobbler” appearance, resembling the skin on a turkey’s neck, hence the name. 

What Causes Turkey Neck? 

Turkey neck is often considered a sign of aging because it is primarily associated with the natural loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone that occurs as people grow older. In addition, hormonal changes during menopause or andropause may contribute to the development of a turkey neck. The accumulation of fat and tissue around the neck area can also naturally occur as people age. Certain medications or medical treatments that often accompany the aging process can also affect collagen production or skin elasticity. Finally, additional factors, such as genetics, weight fluctuations, and sun exposure, can also lead to turkey neck. 

How to Prevent Turkey Neck

While aging and genetic factors associated with developing turkey neck cannot be prevented, you can still take several natural steps to minimize the appearance of turkey neck. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, to support skin health.  

It’s also important to stay hydrated and avoid smoking. Proper skincare and protection from the sun are also critical habits to develop. Sun exposure in particular can really exacerbate the appearance of turkey neck. Therefore, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to the neck and chest area daily, even on cloudy days, and wear protective clothing, such as hats and scarves, to shield the neck from harmful UV rays. Be sure to also use moisturizers and skincare products containing ingredients like retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid to promote collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Daily self-massage can also help. Gently massage the neck area using upward strokes to improve circulation and promote lymphatic drainage, which can help reduce fluid retention and puffiness. 

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Schedule a Consultation at The Rejuva Center in Albany or Saratoga, New York Schedule Consultation