Feeling confident in your body is very important, but it can be hard when cellulite plagues you especially in your legs, arms, or butt.
Cellulite is an extremely common condition that causes lumpy and dimpled skin in certain areas of the body including arms, lower back, thighs, and buttocks.
Unfortunately, cellulite on your lower body can keep you from wearing shorts or going to the beach out of embarrassment or lacking confidence. But you are not alone. Even on the upper body one can feel less confident with not having smooth skin on your arm.
Nearly 90% of women complain of cellulite and dimpling of the skin.
Cellulite has been a difficult area to treat with little to no real solutions offering long-term results. That is until QWO, which is a breakthrough treatment for cellulite and is offered at the Rejuva Center in Latham, New York, just outside of Albany — serving Upstate New York and beyond.
FDA-approved, QWO can remove cellulite and improve skin through quick injections — without the need for surgery.